
Hydration Image

Dehydration occurs when fluid lost from your body exceeds necessary intake. This imbalance can cause dizziness, headaches, constipation, irritability and lack of concentration. Long term effects can even lead to serious conditions such as kidney damage, heart conditions and sight deficiencies. Here are 5 tops to help keep you hydrated:

1.  Replace your morning coffee with warm water and natural flavouring such as fresh ginger, lemon or raw honey.

2. If you're an English Breakfast tea drinker replace one or two cups a day with  a herbal tea. These contain no caffeine and, unlike black tea, count towards your total fluid intake for the day. There are many flavour combinations on the market today.

3. Buy yourself a 500ml stainless steel water bottle and aim to drink 3-4 refills (1.5-2 litres) of water, over the course of each day.

4. Limit processed foods (most things that come in a packet) as these often contain high levels of salt which can disrupt electrolyte balance. Electrolytes are minerals such as potassium, chloride, sodium and calcium which are essential in our bodies for nerve transmission and regulation of our heartbeat.

 5. Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg per day. The government sets this level but realistically our needs are much higher than this. To bump up the volume, throw any past-its-prime veg from the fridge and whizz up in a blender with some coconut water or nut milk. Have fun trying different combinations. The water content and naturally occurring electrolytes found in the fruit and veg will not only add to your fluid intake but will provide endless benefits to the proper functioning of your body. 


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“I carried a watermelon?!”