Life in Lock-down - A Short Q&A

Describe your lock-down in one word…

Enlightening. It has given me the time and space to treat my relationships at home as a priority, and pay real attention.

What are you going to take from this lock-down experience?

Each day is a gift, not to be taken for granted.

What do you think are the greatest challenges people have been facing at this time?

Adapting to a new way of life. Adaptation is key to success. Not just in a business sense but on a personal level. If we stay on the same trajectory just because it is familiar to us, we will miss out on multiple learning opportunities. I learnt to adapt to being around people all the time. Said people may be my family who I love with all my heart, but I also greatly value time by myself. Through negotiating this path together we have been able to communicate each of our wants and needs so we are all being fulfilled at this time. Time on my own that I need has allowed me to reflect and grow as a person which in turn benefits my family and those who I serve.

What has helped you most during this time?

Daily exercise. I was never one for exercising in the morning, not being a ‘morning person’. However, with the children at home all day, the summer sun keeping them awake into the evening and my husband knee deep in work, the only time I have to exercise is the morning. I have found that running around the Greenway at 6:30am has its own beauty I never would have discovered pre lock down. Having that daily injection from nature gives me a sense of calm that permeates the day, even when the media is telling me I should be feeling stressed. Finding strength training routines that work for me has enabled me to counter the much more sedentary life I have come to know right now.

How are you feeling about getting back to ‘normal’?

My hope is that the pandemic will have forced us all to question what matters most to us and to live by these values going forward. I hope we will realise that being at our optimal health is of utmost importance if we want to keep our immune system functioning at its best. I hope the new normal will to place emphasis on staying healthy, both physically and mentally and to keep this a priority for ourselves and for our children.


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